Publication Alert
12-Oct-2009 18:55
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A key role for Ctf4 in coupling the MCM2-7 helicase to DNA polymerase within the eukaryotic replisome
Agnieszka Gambus, Frederick van Deursen, Dimitrios Polychronopoulos, Magdalena Foltman, Richard C Jones, Ricky D Edmondson, Arturo Calzada and Karim Labib
The EMBO Journal (2009) 28, 2992 – 3004
Agnieszka Gambus, Frederick van Deursen, Dimitrios Polychronopoulos, Magdalena Foltman, Richard C Jones, Ricky D Edmondson, Arturo Calzada and Karim Labib
The EMBO Journal (2009) 28, 2992 – 3004