Rec Q helicases


Group of 3’-5’ helicases required for genome stability. May also help to repair damaged/stalled replication forks.

(see also recQ4 included with sld2)



Helicases in this grouping


SpRqh1; hus2:rad12

BLM (hu/Xl))= FFA-1(Xl)  = mus309 (Dm)





Molecular weight


Biochemical properties



Can unwind and anneal DNA (1)



•Helicase 3’-5’, can also unwind odd structures eg tetrahelical structures

•3-5 Exonuclease (2)

• characterization replication fork regression (3)




 •Helicase 3’-5’, can also unwind odd structures eg tetrahelical structures and disrupt recombination intermediates.

•Strand annealing and exchange activity (4) likes to bind particularly to G4 DNA in long molecules (5)

• can regress stalled forks and dissolve Holliday junctions

•disrupts rad51 ssDNA filaments and stimulate repair synthesis (6)



•Helicase domain – note that these are all likely to be monomeric helicases (7)

•Walker A box ATPase

•RQC domain

•HRDC domain

•Exonuclease domain  (WRN, FFA-1)




• nls (8)


Sc (Sgs1)

•DNA topo III (9)

•topoII (10)


Sp (Rqh1)

•DNA topo III (11)

•Synthetically lethal pola (12)




•Pcna (13)

•Pol d (14) aids in passing hairpins in vitro (15) 50kDa subunit (16)

•Ku 70/80 (17) stimulates exo activity (18)

•Sumo /ubc9 (19)

•Fen 1 (20) (21)  

•Pot1 stimulates to unwind telomeric structures (22)

•P53 inhibits helicase activity (23)

•DNApk (24) inhibits ws activity.

•Blm (25)

•Rad52 (26)

• whip (27)

• multiple translesion polymerases (28)

• MSH2/6, MSH2/3 and MLH1/PMS2 (29)




•Pot1 stimulates to unwind telomeric structures (22)

•Caf150 (30) colocalise at sites replication, increased amounts on damage (blm inhibits caf mediated assembly).

•Fen1 (21)

•topoII (31)

•rad51 (32)

•p53 (33)

•wrn (25)

•scDNA2 (34)

•topoIII (35) and BLAP75 in complex to process Holliday junctions (36)

•fanc proteins (37)

•mlh1 (mismatch repair) (38)

• topoIII alpha (27)

• ATM (27)




•PCNA (39)



•Sumo (19)



Cellular location and expression


•Sgs1/Top3 may work in alternative pathway to Mus81/Mms4 for preventing formation of ‘toxic’ recombination intermediates formed by DNA replication (40)




• found in cytoplasm and nucleus (8)



•associates with dna replication factories in s and stays near the sites of stalled replication forks caused by uv damage (39)



Other comments

ReqQ mutants show increased homologous recombination

Hickson Nature Rev Cancer 3:169 (03) which recQ



•sgs 1 stabilises DNA polymerases at stalled replication forks (41)



• hus2/rqh1/rad12 (42)

•possible role on chromosome segregation (43)

•Cut phenotype in the presence hu (44) needed in recovery from stop/ stops recombination? see sgs




•Involved in hr but not nhej in xenopus extracts (45)

•Needed to load rpa at origins (not ssDNA dependent) in  xenopus extracts, but can deplete and replication ok and rpa still loads so redundant (46)


•Werners is a premature aging syndrome, roles in cell senescence and damage response (eg (47)

•Loss causes telomere loss (48) (45) (49)

•Accumulates at ds but nt ss breaks (50)

•Ws patients can’t do p53 mediated apoptosis. (51)

•Some role for acetylation for localisation on uv (52)

• accumulates in nucleolus (53)

• in vitro can carry out reaction equivalent to regression of a stalled replication fork (54)




•Localises to pml and needs p53 for this (51) (55)

•Cleaved caspase 3 (31)

•Delayed replication in blm cells (56)

•After hu treatment coalesces with p53 and rad51 at replication forks (57)

•needed to properly relocalise rad50/mre/nbs1 complex at sites replication arrest (58)

• in vitro can carry out reaction equivalent to regression of a stalled replication fork (59) (54) •blm,wrn and xpb and xpd can rescue some phenotypes of blm cells so partial redundancy

• role in sister chromatid disjunction (60)

• needed for efficient fork restart (61)

role with mus81 in recovering from replicative stress Other (62)


Deplete in xenopus extracts only minor effects on repair (63)


Ds break repair in flies (64)



• can promote strand exchange on a synthetic template resembling a stalled replication fork (39) (65)

•Knockout in chicken (66)

• phenotype in Dm (67)

• loss in mammals increases cancer susceptibility ( through HR /rad51?) (68)


Random recq helicases

•recQ1 – involved in processing of holliday junctions (69)

•recq helicase suggested to have a role in post transcriptional gene silencing in neurospora (70)


Revised by


Last edited

13 April 08



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