Component of E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in DNA repair. Thought to stabilize replication forks on DNA damage (1) .

Nb there is a huge literature on this protein and we have not tried to cover all of it just those most relevant for replication.







Molecular weight


Biochemical properties

•DNA binding (2)

•E3 Ub ligase activity (stimulated by bard) I ring domain (3)




•Ring finger (involved ub)

•BRCT domains (2)




•BARD (usually as heterodimer) (4)



•Ctip (phosphorylation dependent) causes its ub but not degradation (5)

•p53 (6) BRCA /bard complex needed for phosphorylation p53 after ir and uv (7) , also needed p53 ub as BRCC complex. Synergistic in tumour development with p53 (8)

•Bach1 (helicase) (9) (10)

•FancA   (11)

•FancD2 (12)

•rnapolII (13) binds hyperphosphorylated (14)

•Swi/snf  (15)

•Atm (16) (17)

•Rad51 (18)

•Rb rbap46 /48 hdac1/2 (19)

•cabl disrupted in atm dependent way on ionising radiation (20)

•nmi/cmv (21)

•topoII in S (22)

•ws (23)

•mdc1 (involved in brca localisation on DNA damage (24) )

•Abraxas ( brct repeats) (25) , (26)

•rap80 ( ub binding protein) via abraxas (needed for brca1 accumulation on damaged DNA) (25-28)

rnf8( fha/ring protein) involved in rap80 pathway (29) (30) (31) (32)

•Ccdc98 (needed for formation of brca foci after ionising radiation) (28, 33)

•Pp1 binding motif ( mutation lethal on damage) (34)

• SUMO (represses transcriptional activity) (35)


Complexes reported

•4 complexes reported:RNA pol2/ rad50/mre11/nbs plus 2 more (36) , inhibits exo of mrn complex (2)

•brcc complex is BRCA1 /BRCA2/rad51 (37)

•basc (2mDa) 15 subunits including blm and atm, mre11,rad50,nbs,msh2.msh6 mlh, pms rfc. (38)



•Phosphorylated g1/s (cdk)

•Phosphorylated DNA damage (39) (16) - via atm (40) (41) .  Via atr in hu blocked cells

•closest homologue is Ub at sites DNA damage in c elegans (42)



 brca/bard heterodimer (43)

Cellular location and expression

•Relocates on DNA damage to sites of replication (44) needed for rad51 foci (45) and to recruit atm to sites with nbs1 (46) (activation atm on ionising radiation also requires baat (47) )

•needs h2ax for its localisation (48) , (49) . •Associated inactive x in late s (50) •levels down on m/g1 (51)

• in normal S phase nuclei localises interphase centromeres and replicating pericentric heterochromatin (52)


Other comments

•Only in vertebrates

•Often mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer syndrome. 

•Heterozygous Brca1 mice show premature aging (53)

•homozygous embryonic lethal – some interaction p53 (54)

•Mutants in mouse cells have abnormal g2/m  (abnormal chromosomes /multiple centrisomes and abnormal segregation) (55)

• several splice variants some found more in quiescent than proliferating cells (56)

• Needed to activate chk1 kinase (57) , (this also needs claspin (46) )

• role in controlling plk after DNA damage (58)

• positive and negative effects on transcription. eg (59) (60) (61)

• effects on decondensation (60)

• If tether the transcriptional activation domain brca1 to DNA , alters local chromatin structure and stimulates replication (62)


Revised by


Last edited

15 April 08



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